Fixd customer service phone number

Fixd is a leading provider of innovative home services, offering smart solutions for homeowners’ maintenance needs. With a focus on providing accessible and efficient home repair services, Fixd utilizes technology to simplify the process of maintaining and managing household systems.

Contact MethodInformation
Call📞 855-600-3493
Operating Hours⏰ Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM (EST)
Address📍 75 5th St NW Ste 2190, Atlanta, GA 30308-1036
Website🌐 Fixd Customer Service

Services and Support

Fixd offers an array of services to homeowners, providing a user-friendly app that helps in diagnosing and tracking home maintenance issues. Their customer service team is dedicated to providing assistance, answering queries, and ensuring a seamless experience for users of their technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What services does Fixd provide? Fixd offers a home services app designed to help homeowners identify, track, and manage home maintenance issues efficiently.

2. How does the Fixd app work? The Fixd app assists users in diagnosing problems within their home systems, offering insights and potential solutions, along with the option to schedule professional assistance if needed.

3. What types of home systems does Fixd cover? Fixd can monitor various household systems, including HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and more, helping homeowners stay on top of maintenance needs.

4. Is the Fixd app user-friendly? Yes, the app is designed to be user-friendly, providing straightforward solutions and information for homeowners to understand and manage their home systems better.

5. How can I contact Fixd’s customer service? You can reach Fixd’s customer service team via the provided phone number or email address for any inquiries or assistance regarding the app or services.

Key Takeaways

  • Fixd offers a user-friendly app designed to simplify home maintenance for homeowners.
  • The customer service team is available during regular business hours to assist users with any queries or issues they might encounter.
  • Their services aim to streamline the process of managing home systems, ensuring prompt attention to maintenance needs.

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